s o c i a l   a r

f o r m a t e s

Improve engagement with the brand

Grow your fan base

Provide a fun way to interact

Socialize sales process

Measure results (impressions, usage and shares)

Amplify reach and exposure

Boost shares and likes


A p P l i c a T i o n s

I n  T H E

i n d u s t r Y






Public Figures

Food &





+52 (222) 169 89 68

 +52 (222) 918 90 31






Av. Tlaxcaltecas Nte. 12,  Reserva Territorial Quetzalcoatl,  72775 Puebla, Pue.

Fill out my online form.

T H E   c r e a t i v i T Y

I s   T H e   l I m i t


Social Augmented Reality allows brands & businesses to add layers of visual information over real-world scenarios. It enhances brand experience and provides a new way to engage with broader audiences through their mobile devices, using the cameras from the apps they already use and love: Instagram & Facebook.

A R + S o c i a l

M e d i a

AR technology is not new. However, adoption of social networks as the main online activity, wider and better access to the internet and more advanced mobile phones, unlocks new, better and more powerful possibilities for AR.




Offer an exclusive product experience. You can include Augmented Reality effects in your Ads for your audience to interact with your brand. Increase the engagement of your customers and grow your reach by people sharing content based on your brand.

Using a real-world printed element such as a business card, product tag, event badge, show “hidden” information: venue maps and info, transportation lines, event schedules, any text or animation and even codes to redeem.


Using either the front or rear camera on their own devices, users can play little, simple yet engaging games and control actions by blinking or by facial expressions. The activity and final score can be recorded and shared through their social proles.


Using the front camera, users can modify their look or add elements to their faces to show brand support or product usage and experience. They can share them on their social proles and stories.


Using the rear camera, users can place objects over real-world scenarios: preview furniture, “try” new clothes, take a photo with a virtual mascot or person.


Take the user virtually to any place, room or scene. Using the rear camera, users can place a portal door and walk through it to visit other places: real or virtual tourist destinations, facilities or home spaces, etc.



W h a t  c a n  y o u  g e t

  f r o m   A  R  i n  y o u r

S o c i a l   M e d i a  S t r a t e g y ?

Whether is brand engagement, a product launch, showing a home or provide an enhanced experience to your attendees and fans, Social AR is a fun, interactive and shareable way to connect with your audiences. So… what crazy idea you may have for your brand and product? Tell us about it and let´s build your next Social AR experience that will put you above your competitors.

W h a t  c a n  y o u  g e t

  f r o m   A  R  i n  y o u r

S o c i a l   M e d i a  S t r a t e g y ?

Whether is brand engagement, a product launch, showing a home or provide an enhanced experience to your attendees and fans, Social AR is a fun, interactive and shareable way to connect with your audiences. So… what crazy idea you may have for your brand and product? Tell us about it and let´s build your next Social AR experience that will put you above your competitors.



Social Augmented Reality allows brands & businesses to add layers of visual information over real-world scenarios. It enhances brand experience and provides a new way to engage with broader audiences through their mobile devices, using the cameras from the apps they already use and love: Instagram & Facebook.

A R + S o c i a l

M e d i a

s o c i a l   a r

f o r m a t o s

W h a t  c a n  y o u  g e t

  f r o m   A  R  i n  y o u r

S o c i a l   M e d i a  S t r a t e g y ?

Improve engagement with the brand

Grow your fan base

Provide a fun way to interact

Socialize sales process

Measure results (impressions, usage and shares)

Amplify reach and exposure

Boost shares and likes

A p l i c a t i o n s

i n  t h e

i n d u s t r y


T H E   c r e a t i v i T Y

I s   T H e   l I m i t